Sunday, September 23, 2007

My 18th Bday Party

Hahahah guys i'm still sooo dead from the party and soo sleepy and lack of sleep means can't study... lOL! ahahaa jkjk nah nah. I'll post like a longer one later but for now heres something shiwen did and aww i thought that was cool! here it is!

these people are the bestest friends in the whole world!!

p.s. david, jason if u want to edit this post with ur own stories feel free. lol. *cough cough* 2 hours of singstar.. lol.


I haven't got much to add really. David and I got there at 4pm to help setup and stuff, but all we ended up doing was write the names on the cups, and then we played singstar (and a tiny bit of RE4) until people arrived.

I made a diagram.

Anyway, the curry laksa was niice. :) But all the guys got kicked outside to eat on the ping-pong table in the cold... except Tim! big surprise LOL

mmmm.. I'm pretty sick of hearing avril lavigne and I was late to church today cause I slept in a bit too late. That sums most of it up!

Happy 18th, Tim :)

._Edit* teohsulfate

You both beat me to it.

I'm so sick of Singstar music. The two hours that me and ling came early was okay. After 5th hour of it, I fell asleep on the piano =] Memorable moment: Selecting "Let Me Entertain You" for Kelvin. Stands up and goes gangster "HEY! I'M ESL MAN!" Hahahaha, me and danny cracked up so bad.

Umm, what haven't they mentioned..oh, the cake. Cake was nice. Nice big cheesecake with jam and strawberries on top. Yeah, everyone liked it (that I talked to anyway), though I didn't get enough jam =[

Ling's diagram sums up the whole party pretty well. I kept giving the wrong bread out to people at work today, cause I was tired. But it was all good. Nice break before kicking into the studying 'holidays'.

EDIT:// - tim

Okok heres another edit haha and yeh as ling mentioned, David and Jason did come early and stuff and pretty much did nothing LOL, played singstar. ohhhh boy singstar was like on the whole night seriously hahaha but nah it's pretty fun to play with friends hahaha. Hmmm yeh and then aroudn 7 friends started comming and yeh it was a pretty nice party, i mean yeh i thought it was okay and all worked out well and yeh lots of people and everyone looked happy and stuff and ahah i'm sorry if anyone was bored =/ i hope not lol. Yehh Just got heaps and heaps of photos but to post them all on this blog entry would be sooo overkill lOL you will be scrolling forever so i'll just post the massive group ones hehehe. Ummm yeh thankyou all for ur awesome presents, seriously i love them all!

♥ Janice i love the keyring thingie it's sooo awesome heheeh!!

♥ and to all the guys who got me the awesome roger david scarf and bag i'm in lovee

♥ Esther, Sinwa i love the white scarf!! i just love scarfs! hahaha it's awesome

♥ Edward, Kelvin and Qian, the hat is sooo super super cool!!

Ahhh i ccb writting them all up.. i just loved them all thankyou thankyou thankyou soo much!! Anyways lets post more photos!!

TB asian style!!
Awesome friends
Family =]
