Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ling's Extraordinary Trivia Session!

Free Entry for Children Under 8!

All questions and answers are from current knowledge. No research done.

GEOGRAPHY! (kind of)

1. Height of Mt. Everest? (answers within 500m accepted)
2. People from Melbourne are Melbournians. What are people from Moscow called?*
3. And people from Paris?
4. Order these three continents in size: N. America, S. America, Africa. (not entirely sure myself lol)
5. Where is Belfast?

HISTORY! (admittedly its mainly Asian history)

1. What dynasty followed the Taiping Rebellion in China?
2. What relation is Kublai Khan to Genghis Khan?*
3. When was Malacca considered the absolute epicentre of trade in Asia?* (century)
4. Where was Captain Cook killed?
5. When was China unified by Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China? (century)


1. Ohm's Law? V = ?
2. What does HTML stand for?
3. What shape is a truss?* =D
4. Everybody know's Pi to two decimal places, what is Pi to four decimal places?
5. How much bits in a byte?


1. What is 'piscine' French for?*
2. What is 'cuttlefish' in Japanese?*
3. What is 'poo, no.2, faecal matter' in Hokkien?
4. What is the structure of a haiku?
5. What was Jesus' native tongue? (not sure if i spelt the answer right)


1. What is the title of the occupation for one who makes and edits dictionaries?*
2. What is the suffix '-cracy' indicating?
3. What fashion label's icon is two letter Cs overlapping (one mirrored horizontally)?
4. Which country invented the gesture of the middle finger up?*
5. Who is the current world record holder for the 100m dash?

ANSWERS FOLLOW----------------------





g1. 8848m above sea level; g2. Moscuvites; g3. Parisians; g4. Africa, N. America, S. America; g5. Ireland I think?

h1. Ming Dynasty; h2. great-great-grandson i think, possibly great-grandson; h3. 17th Century (~1600); h4. Hawaii (speared by natives i think); h5. 221BC i.e. 3rd Century BC

s1. IR; s2. Hypertext Markup Language?; s3. Right angled triangle? s4. 3.1415; s5. 8

l1. swimming pool; l2. ii ka (whatever the hiragana is); l3. bang sai; l4. 3, 5, 3 syllables; l5. Aramaic

m1. lexicography; m2. a type of government; m3. Chanel; m4. England (english archers specifically); m5. Usain Bolt

DONE. With mistakes.

*double points

Got any trivia yourself?


Sunday, April 26, 2009

taste buds deceiver

What you're looking at are some pretty funky berries. Alone, they're just some tang berries with a bitter seed. However, after consumption, lime tastes like candy, vinegar tastes like apple juice, and goat cheese like cheesecake! It's what known as the Miracle Fruit.

'The miracle fruit, Synsepalum dulcificum, is native to West Africa and has been known to Westerners since the 18th century. The cause of the reaction is a protein called miraculin, which binds with the taste buds and acts as a sweetness inducer when it comes in contact with acids, according to a scientist who has studied the fruit, Linda Bartoshuk at the University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste. Dr. Bartoshuk said she did not know of any dangers associated with eating miracle fruit.'
- New York Times
Interesting yeah? Basically it gets rid of all the sour/acid tastes of foods. People have these parties called Flavour Tripping parties, where you pay $15 entry fee, eat a berry, and then sample all sorts of weird things: 'citrus wedges, cheeses, Brussels sprouts, mustard, vinegars, pickles, dark beers, strawberries and cheap tequila'.

The thing is, you can order them internationally, where it's packed with dry ice and shipped off. Me and my brother were thinking of having a party and order some!

Read more here.



Thursday, April 23, 2009

god dammit.

Sometimes I wonder. Am I too hard on people? Or do I let myself get pushed around. Usually I would answer the former, but lately I've been finding myself in situations where people have really ticked me off and I don't stand up to them.

For instance, group members at uni not pulling their weight. Housemate taking up to an hour in the bathroom. These are some of my NOT favorite things and really irritate me. But I have yet to speak up to them about it.

Maybe it's cause I fear I will look hypocritical. I have a lot of personal flaws myself, and I don't want to criticize people when I'm not too gold myself.

Is anyone else having a bad week?


p.s our posts look really bland. I'm going think how we can post more creatively.


Sunday, April 19, 2009

im still alive

hello hello,
I haven't written a blog entry in agessss arghh im soo lazy, my bad :( but i thought i'd write one now. Well this holiday has been pretty good, i have to say go us for surviving half a semester of uni yahooooooooOOo! Theres just been so much thats been going on, so much so i haven't done any uni revision or work and it's terrible! honestly i told myself as i always do, that this holidays i will catch up on things. I don't think that really happend but it's not my fault! i mean the break was way too short it was just 1 week, grrr.. stupid monash U for being soo retarded.

I actually didn't go out that much.. ahah nah i did who am i kidding, i'd like to think that i didn't because when i wasn't like going to things i was working and when i wasn't working i'd like to think i was studying but nahh .. opps ... ahha in part i blame Kevin, Ed, Yuky and Amanda for having birthdays in this break :). Nahh they are awesome, love them all, each one was really cool and different like for Kevins had a guitar hero rock band day! woohooo followed by hmm.. an interesting night that left me with many sexually questionable photos appearing on facebook.. lol, okay tim.. lay off the alcho, my poor liver is going to breakdown soon. Ed turned 29, shes one of my workmates and she looks so young and shes awesome! because not only is she married and working part time at my workplace but also she's doing her PhD at Melbourne U and she has the most adorable cutest baby ever! whoa .. thats full on i don't think i would work, study and raise a family =/ and just so ur wondering ed isn't her real name, we just call her that because we don't know how to pronouce her name ahha. Yukys bday was a bbq picnic at jells park with cool cool party games although sometimes painful and awkward like a 3man team tied together by the legs to run around the park rofl.. funny.. and then once getting to the checkpoint passing this tiny piece of paper from the first person to the last person only by using their mouth haha .. awkward hahahha, along with other crazyyy weird games lol. That actual same night was amandas and yay it was a korean bbq and very enjoyable! getting to hang out with close friends from highschool, it was great.

This week my relatives came down from malaysia too, so really i had no time to study lol because i was playing tour guide around melbourne and stuff. because not only that the whole weekend was taken because my cousin got married yay! it was soo pretty really, shes 26, wow... i was just thinking can u imagine in another 5-7yearsish we may all start to marry off, thats a scary thought but also exciting at the same time. Anyways even if there wasn't anything to do my house is always noisy now and filled with people so that is also another reason of lack of study lol ahah..

other random things i've learnt/done over the holidays
-i accidentally drove in the opposite direction and got lost for 1 hour.. don't ask why i did it.. i don't know i was obviously lostt and it was like at 11pm at night i couldn't see anything =/ so mental note i promise myself i will not drive if given the choice because i was quite stress about it and additionally i think i picked up a speeding fine on the way too.. oh no.. not good, trying to save for my holidays is really hard when u have to keep paying off these freakin fines... (i already had to pay a speeding fine before.. yeshhhh im a shit driver just ask anyone whos been in my car ahah)

- i cleaned my room! fainlly it was disgusting and messy and like feral really.. ahha, i got to say living in a clean room feels awesome so if u want an awesome feeling then go for it. actually it wasn't too bad to clean because my computer is in my room so i just turned on loud music and before i know it it was done.. although it took me 2 days ahha but i split it up ahha all good.

- when buying cakes at like bread kingdom if ur not a fussy person they give u freebies. okay i didn't really explain but like when i went to buy amandas cake i actually wanted another one but they ran out so i asked for the other one but it was a bit frozen still and not as fresh so i just said any cake is fine and for my troubles they took out this awesome cake and gave me free cookies too woohooo and alsoo becaues the side of the cake the cream was a little like wiped off, not as nicely decorated they took off 3 dollars woohoo discount! that and while i was waiting bigbang and wondergirls was on the tv screen and i talked to the counter girl in korean and the more i talked to her the more cookies i got lOL haha funny yeh? my korean lecturers always told me if u spoke korean to korean people they have the tendency to give u more food or discount things for you, and it's really true beacuse for my bday last year i took cat and nam to eat korean and i was talking like a retard and probably wasn't making any sense and the girl at the end charged us 60 dollars for a 90 dollar meal, woohoo =).

anywayssss uni tomorrow and im tired of typing, im actually pretty tired for my next blogg entry i want to review some products that i bought and i'll discuss my findings and results ahah so u can all learn from my trail and errors haha.


How to drive the elderly around 101

Every blog needs a 'how-to' post once in a while...

So I've been driving old people back from church a bit this week because my uncle, who normally does it, is in canberra at the moment.

I do not profess to be an expert on this in any way, but there are essentials to know when you go about this activity.

1. Drive slowly. i.e. v = (speed limit -5km/hr) +/- 5km/hr

Apparently you can cause the elderly to have back pain if you drive too fast due to the need to brake harder when you slow down. You have to imagine any possible pains you are causing them when you brake and then double that potential pain. It's just a safety margin.

Your braking has to be so gentle and gradual that nobody jerks forward even remotely when you stop. If any passengers jerk forward in their seat when you stop at some lights for example, you have failed your mission. *fail buzzer* 'buh-bunggg'

2. Change the radio station to Mix 101.1FM or Light 89.9FM

It must be easy listening. Acoustics are a plus. Metal is game over.

Sometimes even Mix 101.1FM has loud and potentially stroke-rendering music! If Miley Cyrus - See you again (or whatever that crap song is called) comes on, I think Mix does play it ocassionally, change to Light FM.

And it may be obvious, but avoid any songs with expletives in the lyrics. The elderly folk do not need to hear the words f*** and c***. Agreed?

Notable songs to avoid:

  • Ian Carey Project - Get Shaky;
  • Anything from Metallica's album: Kill 'em All;
  • Scorpions - Rock You Like a Hurricane;
  • etc,

So keep your ears pricked up and ready to change that dial before a guitar solo starts and bursts somebody's coronary artery.

3. Acceleration: do not rev too hard.

If you are going up a steep hill and your car isn't powerful enough, don't sweat it.

Do NOT try and build up speed 30km/hr over the speed limit to get some momentum to cruise up that hill...

Just chug along and go up the hill at whatever speed it ends up being by the time you get there. There is no rush.

4. Slow down excessively at speed humps and stop before roundabouts and cut-out left turns.

If you normally cruise through that left cut-out at 50km/hr when you see it's clear. Do NOT do that this time around. Slow down to a complete stop, check for traffic even though there won't be any and proceed. Same applies for roundabouts, but even more so.

5. Finally, do not drive a beast.

The elderly do not care for turbo.

They do not care how loud your engine is.

They like peace and quiet, and a smooth ride.


Thursday, April 16, 2009

give and take.

quick update on the holiday break:

the first few days were pretty awesome. friends, work, poker, guitar hero, hats and repeat.
happy birthday ann (we didn't sing happy birthday =O) you are beautiful =]. 3D glasses suck.
happy birthday amanda (not quite there yet) looking forward to another year for great friendship
queensland trip finalized! woo! possible 5 taiwanese girls! woo! ling decided to come =_=. (just kidding :D I'll share.)
tim vine was funny =]

OKAY HOLIDAYS OVER. gwad' I have so much work to do.

today started out terribly. terrible start on the project construction. we were all late. I was, of course, stressing out. Halfway through the terrible start, it started to pick up. our group assembled, rallied and started work. Problems started to be solved, extra construction time was discovered.

Then a meet up I was looking forward to was canceled. The bailer was bailed on (only warren and tif will get this.). Being honest, I was quite disappointed. Doing uni work the whole day was only brightened by the prospect of going out to dinner.

But then I realised after, that because dinner was canceled, I was able to work til late at uni on the project, getting more work done. And while I was very disappointed with dinner being canceled, I should've seen past it and been grateful for the things given in return. Give and take -> balance.

this blog needs a make over. soon. after uni. after exams? when's that? It's too far away to see.



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

post before test.

as I have a test tomorrow, it is of course tradition to post on the blog the night before.

something random, I was walking around the lake in my neighborhood the other day, and I took these sad photos.

Where I'm standing used to be filled with water. Now the lake is literally almost 3/4 it's original size. This was my wake up call to the water crisis (though probably has little relevancy to it) and how precious it is. It scares me that something like this can happen. Just imagine, in a few more years, the lake will have dried up completely.

So people, take shorter showers, don't waste water and be more aware!

That's my good deed done today, spreading environment friendly advice =] Now on to 'holiday' 'break'! 'Holiday' cause it's not really a holiday being only one week, and 'break' cause it's really just a break from travelling to uni..all the studying still applies.

Despite the fact I have multiple projects, I am still finding time to enjoy it. I've got DDR and comedy festival lined up with ling, poker with uni friends tomorrow (looking forward to it!), catch up with some close friends, ann's birthday party and having fun at 'work'.
"I walked into a butcher shop, and the butcher said to me: "I bet you 10 pounds you can't touch those pieces of meat hanging up there." I replied: "No thank you, the stakes are too high." - Tim Vine (who me and ling are going to see)
Oh, my contract at work got renewed, so woohoo! Pay also maintained at the same level!

ok back to studying!

edit: changed title from good luck post, as it could most likely back fire on me.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The best of thelooop's Spoken Word - where's my bongos?

MARCO! You've been uncovered for bad mouthing my pokemon haikus!

- QuiZZie - says:
who writes haikus about pokemon

And if Arj Barker had his way, it would've been written in the font Rhetorica...

So I've composed another one :D

Quick attack
It's too quick, Gamefreak
So imbaaaa~

EDIT: that's right, you've been rattata'd out, marco!
