Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It's time to say goodbye

Wow, i really am quite sad this is endding!!

it's been so fun, blogging with these guys has been amazing and yeah who would of back in year 12 accounting the idea of a combined blog would of lasted this long =)

Although i may have stopped kinda blogging ever since uni started i still felt quite apart of this looop that teoh and jason has built. Blogging my friends is truely a talent one must learn, as it's really hard and tiresome but if you can pull it off it's really rewarding.

I remember back in highschool i used to try really hard to blog each night in great detail what had gone on just do i had some kind of documentation of my life (which i still do XD) and i remember sometimes it took up to 1 hour plus to put a good entry up with heaps of photos ahha

The looop has been good guys, really it has. It feels like this blog was somewhat like this tree, and with each entry 1 leaf would fall and i suppose the final 3 leaves remained for each of our farewell posts =( aww ..

yeah so follows teohs post on his blog and visit jasons post for a wave of Korean Pop Girl Groups ahhaha jk..(but not really) and yeah who knows maybe i'll reopen the old timmy blog ahah.



[If I remember correctly]

'It's like a river overflowing!' proclaimed David fantastically, finishing off Tim's spiel about a certain individual on his mind. He proceeded to open his exercise book to illustrate exactly what he meant by a river while Ms. Blazejewski's disapproval slowly drifted towards us from across the room.

That night, after some discussion over MSN, the looop's blueprint was drawn up. With the idea that Tim would fill the void for us if we didn't end up writing much.
And two hundred and thirty odd entries later,
/Tim's saving his secret blogging-powers for when the world really needs them;
/I've had Livejournal as my voluptuous mistress for a year, my little extra on the side;
/and the Chronicles of David have emigrated to a mysterious, not-so-distant land.

And so, the looop is no more. Maybe we'll try and sell the rights to it one day and Penguin will make an anthology. Not any time soon, but later, when we're old men and our superannuation has been almost completely wiped out by the global recession in 2053.
The royalties should be enough to last us another ten years. At least!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

a circle with a end?

hey guys,

as most of you can guess, thelooop is closing down. I have decided to move to a new blog of my own, and since tim is past his blogging days, and ling has his own, it only makes sense to close down thelooop.

it worked great, I still remember the day we talked about creating it in accounting year 12. I must say I loved posting here with them both (while they did). jason's done a great job in bringing out changing layouts through the two years, and we got a good 230 posts out of it. I'd imagine we bulit up a solid list of readers (maybe 4 or so?) as well, so thank you to all those who kept coming back.

catch me now at

thanks looop buddies, it was fun while it lasted =]

