Sunday, September 16, 2007


I was just reading through all the blogs in our links, and I came across Dimsim's (aka Rachel). Go read it for the whole thing, but basically it was about a guy called Mark and a talk about "Quest for God". It was about the usual proving God exists vs science. And it just sorta started my mind ticking about two of the points.

First of all, if God made the beginning as oppose to the big bang, I want to ask him about dinosaurs =] But seriously, does Christianity ever talk about the ancient years with dinosaurs? Is it even included in their timeline? Cause the first story is Adam and Eve isn't it? And I don't think there were dinosaurs were in there...AND DON'T TELL ME THEY DIDN'T EXIST. Dinosaur bones, ftw. Anyway.

The second point was about the world has beauty, design and harmony. Now, I'm not quite sure what the second bit is about and I don't think dimsim wrote the full thing out so no blame to her. However, I think the gist of it is that look at the all awesome things in the world, like our human bodies. How complex they are and amazing their functions. And all of this relates to God's own beauty etc? I think there are things that can reflect beauty and harmony as a result of human creation. If an artist paints something, does it have to be because God guided him to paint it? Or can't it just be inspiration of God, or just something normal.

And then there was a sense of right and wrong. One could argue that a sense of right and wrong is not from God. As a child, you have no sense of right or wrong. That's why the my mum had a thing called the cane when I was small. So it is your parents who teach you what is right or wrong mostly. Of course, as you grow up, your independence will force you to make those kind of decisions yourself and rethink the ones you already learned, but they will be based on what you experience and learned from the past. But then I guess you could argue that those independent decisions are guided by God, thus gone around the circle again. Not too sure about that one.

As for the miracles, I reckon that's ambiguous. But I guess if you're Christian, you must believe in miracles, for the Christ had an ankh and rose from the death.

Interesting and enlightening. Thanks Dimsim,

