Saturday, September 8, 2007


The ability to imagine is something that we all *coughCHRISTOPHERcough* have. And it's a beautiful thing: ah, to be able to travel space with no realistic application of physics considered, and to bulldoze planets in an oversized deathstar while piloting the thing with a fennel and chuckling quietly to yourself...

...But do you exercise this ability often enough?

When last rained, did you consider how far that droplet of water had 
vertically travelled, so that it so-happened to land swiftly in the neck 
of your shirt and proceed give you the shivers?

The samples at baker's delight are free of charge, and so is your imagination, so why don't you use it more?

I can't help but do a lot of meaningless daydreaming before I fall asleep
each night. (Is it called daydreaming when you are wide-awake, and
dreaming only when you are asleep? Feels more politically correct...)
There is one recurring sequence where I am in a hospital, and have
awaken from a coma of 15 years or after suffering amnesia causing me
to lose 15 years of memory, 15 years in the future.

If this does happen one day, it will definitely be very surreal...

Anyway, at the foot of and along the sides of the bed, there will be a bunch of friends that I recognise, and some that I have forgotten (but obviously know, as they are prompt enough to be at my "awakening") and of course, my family is there.

And recently, a different version of this cropped up, where I imagined that Mr. Nguyen walks in the door (lol), and it turns out that he resigned his job at gwsc as a physics teacher, and pursued a medical career, and now he's Dr. Nguyen. Not surprisingly, the scene ends there.

Aside from this, I also find myself engaging in a lot of imaginary conversations with people I know. Not sure if this has caused me to slip up in real life, but if it has: now you know.

Furthermore, while I'm studying something really boring (hellooo methods and accounting) with the music on, I end up just lying on my bed not particularly trying to take a nap, but just procrastinating.

Just this weekend, I 'cbb methods', and fell back on the bed, and this song crops up:

RURUTIA - Hallelujah [download]*

Nah, it's not a christian song, but its strings and vocals sound quite traditionally 'churchey', the rest.. is not. Anyway, it triggered another recurring dream.

I'm standing at the feet of God, cause he's massive and all I can see is the bottom of his white cloak/robe/whatever and his feet in his sandals (it's a pretty cliche image of God, I know, but it's awesome), and we're standing on clouds or something.. something heavenly.
To my left (His right :p), there's a lever next to God, and I place my troubles, personified through a box, in front of the lever. And poof! at 0:44 in the song, He pulls the lever, and my troubles sink through the cloud and go flying down through the blue blue sky. And for the next 3 minutes, I'm just lying there imagining the descent with no actual landing or destination at all.

And this continues for about 30 minutes with other songs and imaginary scenarios till I feel too guilty to procrastinate any longer.

Well, that's my two 'sense'... hahahaha (doesn't make any sense at all)

Imagine and everything may not be possible, but it's fun anyway.

*sorry, gotta register to download.

another dose of youtube, it's a chinese music vid this time:

耗费的昨天, 风乾剩下的泪
