Friday, September 21, 2007

I've got more

I've got another idea that I cooked up while lying in the bed trying to get to sleep, again.

Recall what you have learned in specialists maths/physics:

Friction (I didn't like wiki's def, so I'm gonna give it a shot):

Friction is usually a force that's exerted, when something is being pulled or dragged on a 'rough' surface, that is applied in the opposing direction. And importantly, the force only reacts with just enough to keep the object in place to a point where it is no longer strong enough to hold it in place. (otherwise you'd see rough surfaces pushing boxes and whatever all over the place..)
Mr Marshall compared Friction with his specialist maths class, as he 'joked' that we only did just enough when we had to when "forces" were exerted on us. He got a good laugh out of us nerds.

Anyway, how is this relevant to my idea?

Mmm, how do I start...
Well making up a name for it, let's call it: Mental Friction.

Whenever we receive an idea or a thought, it becomes a 'force' that is exerted on our minds, a challenge to our mentality and lifestyle, although most of the time it will be trivial. Like seeing the color of a pen, or a car with a rego "ASS 101", we have a choice whether to accept it or not.
It is then that our knowledge and beliefs act as friction for this idea or thought that will either prevent or allow it to fall into our mentalities, like a single piece of a jigsaw.
Similar to actual Friction, there will be a point of limiting equilibrium which if passed will allow it to descend/ascend down/up the ' rough slope' and into our mentality, depending on the diagram you choose to imagine.
(I prefer the latter if you can imagine those right-angled triangular slopes with the two weights suspended over the vertex and you put your reasoning into the weight that hangs vertically)
I really wish I could be bothered to draw a diagram and scan it in atm.

Aaaaanyway, a couple of examples.

e.g. 1: Taking the pen example, when you see a red pen, you can easily accept it is a red pen, and chances are that you're gonna break the equilibrium, slide one way or another off the slope (depending on the imagery) and accept that the pen is red.

However, if you add a complication to the example...
You see the red pen being written with by somebody during an English SAC, mental friction will either hold the thought in place to rot for eternity if you can never accept whether it was or wasn't a red pen, or you can reject the belief with logic that no dumbass would use a red pen to write with in an English SAC (unless of course they are underlining something in the topic, or planning, and... omg you're static!)

e.g. 2: Creation.
Well, this is pretty straightforward to explain, as it's already been discussed by you guys. You can see all the point of views and ultimately, the mystery that surrounds the theory. How your mental friction treats this issue depends on your reasoning that you use, which was already filtered through by your mental friction in the first place that allowed you to accept it as: acceptable for reasoning.

Now, this wasn't really a theory or anything, but more of an explanation of the mechanics of our minds. Universe 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007% unlocked.

If it was a revelation for any of you: well done.

A Shameless plug:

The band is HUSKING BEE, dissolved in 2005 (I think), and started in 1994 (I think). I really love the last minute of this song, when the lead hits those notes and they reverberate, and I love the instrumentals of it overall. The guys look so down-to-earth too, it's great.
Listening to music in a language that I don't understand puts me in a very creative mood cause what they're saying could be anything, and hence, potentially infinitely inspiring.
So the other day, I just sat there doodling at my desk when I was originally planning to study methods.
