Wow, i really am quite sad this is endding!!
it's been so fun, blogging with these guys has been amazing and yeah who would of back in year 12 accounting the idea of a combined blog would of lasted this long =)
Although i may have stopped kinda blogging ever since uni started i still felt quite apart of this looop that teoh and jason has built. Blogging my friends is truely a talent one must learn, as it's really hard and tiresome but if you can pull it off it's really rewarding.
I remember back in highschool i used to try really hard to blog each night in great detail what had gone on just do i had some kind of documentation of my life (which i still do XD) and i remember sometimes it took up to 1 hour plus to put a good entry up with heaps of photos ahha

The looop has been good guys, really it has. It feels like this blog was somewhat like this tree, and with each entry 1 leaf would fall and i suppose the final 3 leaves remained for each of our farewell posts =( aww ..
yeah so follows teohs post on his blog and visit jasons post for a wave of Korean Pop Girl Groups ahhaha jk..(but not really) and yeah who knows maybe i'll reopen the old timmy blog ahah.
Good predicaments are hard to come by these days. Predicaments that will really stay by your side and remind you that they're there when the going gets tough. And whenever they give you that malicious smile or a hug, you know that they've got your back! And that's what counts, for that is the badge of a true predicament.
Mmm... doesn't it just chill your heart?
I know that my best predicaments are always right there with me through the thick and the thin, 'cause they're my most loyal and untrustworthy companions.
So the next time you and your friends being chased down by a rolling boulder, just remember who are your predicaments and who are your friends.
(Oh, man, subversive much? I've confused even myself.)
Dear reader,
How are you? I am well, thank you. I am sorry to have not written back any sooner than I have.
With the increased pressure to post on thelooop lately, I've been somewhat pensive. And over the last few months, David's been racking up more posts than either Tim or I can poke a stick at. So here I am writing to you now, eagerly tap-tappity-tapping away at my keyboard like a technology-familiar 'beaver'.
What I should reveal though, is that - I'm having an affair. Don't look at me like that. You knew all along. I didn't deny it or try to hide it. Wh- you never asked! Oh, come now. I'm sorry... Don't cry... ...W-Who is she? ... L-L-Livejournal... I-I said LIVEJOURNAL! ... ouch, that smarts. Don't call her that, she-- No! I love you both equally! ... It's not bullshit! ... Just calm down. Look, I'm stepping away... I'll just grab my keys and I'll be back at twelve when you've calmed down a bit ...and after you've put down the knife. ... Hey! How is this conversation even taking place in a letter?! You have driven me to schizophrenia, you nut job! ... I am not changing the subject!! Anyway, that's all I had to say for now. D-...digest it... please? Look, do our two years mean nothing to you? ... I'm trying!! -f***!
..........[And end scene!]
Okay, so I started writing a letter to the reader, and it turned into half of an imaginary conversation. Anyway, it's true, I've been pampering a livejournal and paying it half my attention for the last year. And yeah, I haven't purposely been hiding it either, I posted once around August of '08 saying that I would make a livejournal and make it a dumping ground so that my posts in 'thelooop' would be only those of a more passable quality.
I also put it in our links page back then, but never mentioned it after that. And until recently, it has never been intended for an audience, in fact, there were a few times I openly discouraged an audience in my posts, and I did in fact keep comments disabled up until about six months ago.
So why now? Why is it open now?
My livejournal has developed into a more serious relationship and only until Hong posted a comment about a week ago was I struck with the fact that maybe what I write there is worth sharing after all. Maybe people out there appreciate my compulsive obsession with semantics and formatting after all... I mean I always realised I had some readers because it would come up in conversation once in a while, but with somebody as random as Hong reading, it really hit me, you know?

Anyway, I'll keep a place in my heart for both 'thelooop' and my livejournal.
EDIT: oh yeah, my livejournal is found at