Thursday, August 28, 2008

An unhealthy diet

This makes 5.

I've been feeding the audience of thelooop a little too much spiced ham lately. So I've posted in a livejournal for things that lack substance. It can be found at ""? I think that works. 

Now, this post itself actually lacks substance, but it wouldn't really make sense to post it there so... this shall be the one exception.

Anyway, if the ideas get substantial, I suppose I will post it here as well. I don't particularly recommend reading the journal though, as I expect it to be the drivel of a full-time procrastinator.

I'm writing this so you guys don't think I've gone emo all of a sudden and stopped posting spews of random.



btw, no worries i dont want to displace our audience with the journal, just stay loyal to thelooop and thelooop shall stay loyal to you!

*a salute carrying scary political connotations*
