Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I'm working on it

Well its approaching the end of life at gwsc and the commemoratory events are well underway.

Just last week I put a double-sided entry into Elisa's memory book, it was pretty fun just rambling and doing what I pleased with a blank slate (save the lines and the winnie the pooh in the corner).

I drew a flower growing out of Pooh's ear; I got a good laugh out of it. :3
And other random squiggles. wahahaha... ask elisa if you wanna read my entry :) I don't mind.

And this Monday, Matt brought in the camera and we took a snapshot of
the: chinese class, crossword crew. (Alliteration is fun times for everyone involved.)

Matt, Me, Sidney, Joon, Dom (what's with the hand-glasses, dom! :3)

During chinese class, we pretty much have nothing to do except
self-study chinese. Now we can practice our oral exam general
conversation/detailed study with mr. yang and the student teacher,
but only since about last week...

Anyway, Mr. Yang is the one that organises the paper for the school, and so he lets his class grab a copy of the age from the lib every class, and we ended up doing the mindgames page each class.

The quick, cryptic, sudoku, target, underage, and superquiz.

The quick was the centre of our attention most of the time, while we typically filled out the 9-letter, underage, sudoku and the superquiz when there was nothing else to do. Once in a while we would get a few cryptic clues though, and when we had done everything else (except the cryptic) we'd continue(from the 9letter)/start the target.

Typically sidney and I were guaranteed participants for most of the lesson, while: Elisa wrote her 9467th essay, or studied some other subject; Matt studied chem/spec/physics/whatever or did the mindgames with us; Dom was chatting/giving massages, lol and Aaron would come in from french next door every tuesday inbetween the double; Joon would be participating most of the time, but he does some chinese sometimes, too :) ; and well i guess that's it for the immediate surroundings of the mindgames page. Oh, Tess and Misha sit in the row in front of us, and sometimes Tess throws in an odd answer now and then.

If I were to personally order us in crossword-prowess:

1. Joon, for his extreme and random vocab and correct answers for words he doesnt even know or isn't sure of knowing.
2. Matt, for his impeccable spelling/pronounciation and also wide vocab
3. Sidney, for his equally wide vocab, but sometimes incorrect spelling and pronounciation, e.g. Colonel is said: kernel, sidney!!!, and when matt heard him say coll-o-noll, he chuckled and said "oh, sidney..." with a smile :p
but seriously, sidney is a great guy :)
4. Me, cause I can do the underage, but often stumble with vocab like fawning and recently, "hie"? never heard of it! :S Also, I make up imaginary words for the target: what a pro
5. Dom, cause theres been more than one occassion when he got a couple really good/crucial words.
6. Elisa, for getting perhaps only one clue all year (that i recall):
Bowl (5) -> Basin. Go Elisa!!! Winner! :D

And, well, yeah, that's chinese 3&4 for you.

Good Times!

But seriously, I'll miss yr12, and yr11.. and 10, 9, 8, 7, gwsc... Boy nostalgia just slapped me in the face and left me senseless for a moment.

...and geez, I really need...:

  • a profile pic
  • photoshop skills to edit that into a posting-banner
  • new shoes and some collarless t-shirts, but thats not really relevant...

  • ...

