Hahaha, random pokemon font thing there. Anyway, I've begun taking photos at school for memory sake. I've realised for awhile that I have no photos printed out for hard-copy, i.e they're all on the computer/photobucket/myfriendskeepthemforme. So I've decided I'm going to make an album of just the main things that I want to remember about school. Though I don't have photos spanning very long ago, the last two years are two of the best I've had at school. So they will include:
Formals/Debutantes (both 06, 07)
Bridge Day
Maths Tuition
Classes: Methods, Literature, Accounting, Physics and Chemistry
And friends, where I shall just fill it up with photos of friends
And grad and muck up day, when they happen.
I'm planning to just write a few words about each one, just to remind myself of the good times. Hopefully, if I can, I will bring it to school on the last two weeks and see if people will write in it, but I don't want to bother people that much.
Today I took my camera and took photos for methods and bridge day. Methods was good, I realised how much I fun I have with my method buddies. Bridge was okay, though I was trying not to lose at the same time, so my camera ended up in the hands of TIM, who took random shots of people I don't even know! But ah well haha.
Here are some photos that were taken.
Bridge Group: Tim, Me, David N, Ling
Maths Tuition: Michelle B, Henry C, Me, Mrs.Lim
Maths Methods Class: Jing-a-ling, Vincent (Kaito), Lester, Mae Ying =] and Gitty.
I've got about 20 photos for each group, and will choose the most memorable ones to print. Note, I know these aren't the best photos ever taken, (just in case Matt comes along and decides to comment) but I'm a camera noob and so are people using the camera for me =] As long as I can make out the SMIRK THAT APPARENTLY I ALWAYS DO. >=D *smirk.