Friday, September 7, 2007

What time is it?

It's time for...

Hahaha, random pokemon font thing there. Anyway, I've begun taking photos at school for memory sake. I've realised for awhile that I have no photos printed out for hard-copy, i.e they're all on the computer/photobucket/myfriendskeepthemforme. So I've decided I'm going to make an album of just the main things that I want to remember about school. Though I don't have photos spanning very long ago, the last two years are two of the best I've had at school. So they will include:

Formals/Debutantes (both 06, 07)
Bridge Day
Maths Tuition
Methods, Literature, Accounting, Physics and Chemistry
And friends
, where I shall just fill it up with photos of friends
And grad and muck up day, when they happen.

I'm planning to just write a few words about each one, just to remind myself of the good times. Hopefully, if I can, I will bring it to school on the last two weeks and see if people will write in it, but I don't want to bother people that much.

Today I took my camera and took photos for methods and bridge day. Methods was good, I realised how much I fun I have with my method buddies. Bridge was okay, though I was trying not to lose at the same time, so my camera ended up in the hands of TIM, who took random shots of people I don't even know! But ah well haha.

Here are some photos that were taken.

Bridge Group: Tim, Me, David N, Ling

Maths Tuition: Michelle B, Henry C, Me, Mrs.Lim

Maths Methods Class: Jing-a-ling, Vincent (Kaito), Lester, Mae Ying =] and Gitty.

I've got about 20 photos for each group, and will choose the most memorable ones to print. Note, I know these aren't the best photos ever taken, (just in case Matt comes along and decides to comment) but I'm a camera noob and so are people using the camera for me =] As long as I can make out the SMIRK THAT APPARENTLY I ALWAYS DO. >=D *smirk.

