Monday, September 10, 2007


I just felt like god is really speaking to me in a lot of ways and one thing that came to me was something from The New Testament, Corinthians 13: 2.

If i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all
knowledge, and if i have a faith that can move mountians, but have not love, i
am nothing.

And i was like i'm not even sure why i found this really touching or like anything but i just thought wow... i mean, love is just soo powerful and i feel like we need to build on our relationships with our friends and family and like... well at youth we started talking about relationships and i think this is kinda flowing from that.. but yeh just needed to share this. Love is so great, love is so powerful and i think that it's easy to forget how important it is, espcially in life.
Year 12 is endding and school is starting to get really busy and stressful i'm just praying that we don't forget to love each other unconditionally and support each other throughout this time, and that no matter what i know God has great things planned for us and that he has everything in control and we just got to believe and have faith in him and just be dependant on him forever and ever and with god with us we can overcome anything as he is an awesome god and mighty to save!
"King of majesty, I have one desire. Just to be with u my lord"
