Saturday, September 15, 2007


Current Mood: Annoyed 

Nah, I'm not. But since you mentioned it, let's "talk about our feeelings"... ["uh... LOOK! There's some ninjas stealing that old man's diamonds! (in the distance) gimme back my diamonds..." kudos if you get the reference.]

An emotion is defined by what we 'feel', right? So logically it should work the other way around, where anything we feel is an emotion. And, furthermore, an emotion does not necessarily have to be restricted to one word that defines a state of being, like: joy, sadness, love, loathing, ecstacy etc.
I wonder: what's the strongest emotion? [click for context]

(that are hence forth, politically correct):

Let down

Like me after mid-years, if I was a lightbulb, A+s were icecream cones, and eating=earning.


Future me: when I write and publish horrible memoirs.


Right now.


Not right now. (But dammit, I will be! I swear!)


W-What's around the friggin' corner?!


All you hard-workers out there. Cheer up, guys.

Way too into 'it'

You dota freaks! >:o

And finally...

Like a jap chick ran through a hypnotic animation cycle

If you ever feel like this, let me know.

To be continued...
