Thursday, August 13, 2009

flowing on

Achievement: did not fall asleep in any of my lectures today.

Whether or not I learnt anything from them is another story though.

Saw 'Public Enemies' on tuesday night with some 1st year friends. The movie was you really want to know? Or do you just want to see it cause it's got johnny depp!?!? Cause that's apparently what half of the female audience was there to see. Giggling, losing their breath and they see him topless. *sigh. But the movie was good, I quite enjoyed it.

Me and lil ended up staying back waitin for her sister to finish work at pancake palour. It was awesome catching up with her. Did you know glenny is sooo foggy during midnight? Barely could see anything, even with fog lights on...but as soon as you clear glen waverley, it's all clear. Magic.

Ok yes, facebook is quite addictive...especially when you have free access on the phone =_= Hopefully I'll get bored of it soon (but the games are fun...)

Thinking whether or not I should quit thelooop and make my own blog. The other two have moved off, so I don't want to linger on like I can't bear to move on =[ Probably can't be bothered making a new blog for awhile though.

