Tuesday, July 28, 2009

needs a routine.

I want melon pan (bread).

After watching Yakitate! Japan, I now of course want to make bread. Typical. And since I can't find melon pan anywhere (disappointing bread top =[), I've decided to give this one a crack on saturday. I'll let you know how that goes.

Speaking of projects, finding the DDR mat very hard. That site I posted previously takes lots of welding, and I don't particularly want to do that. I'm thinking maybe looking into types of timber that could work. Again, this will probably have to wait til next holidays to start, but no harm on thinking about it...

I'm living by myself again in the apartment. It's quiet lonely, now that I've experienced apartment sharing in queensland. Upstairs indian people are very annoying too. They talk so loudly and late at night. Got woken up at 3 am last thursday grrr. Wild plans of throwing stink bombs into their apartment plague my mind...

Been trying to make new groups at uni, since my last few groups didn't work out. Alot of them are amor, but it's been okay so far. Just glad I was able to find new people to work with and not struck out fishing randoms again..although my last randoms turned out pretty well.

today was my free tuesday...planned to go to officework to buy another notebook and stapler, but never ended up going. I definitely need a routine, instead of staying at the apartment all day =_= excerise could be an option...is it time to rejoin the gym perhaps?

oh, and I could be changing to 3 very soon. my whole group is now on 3 for goodness sake. won't be able to talk to ann anymore though =[ goodbye 2300 free minutes.


