Monday, October 15, 2007

Alright alright!

Cheesh, it's like a mob in here. "Post more post more!" "We demand more blagging!" "Down with the Looop!" Call in the troop patrol, and bring out the riot gear please. Set for stun! Roger roger

Anyhow! There's not much to update. Can you believe it, only 4 more days of proper school left. It's such a relief and so sad at the same time. I find myself clinging to every moment that goes by... (i.e not doing any work and just mucking around with friends in classes) Speaking of which, we all got our year book last week! It's pretty snazzy, kudos to Matt Fonginator (Is that how you spell it? I've never called you that before) for putting it all together. I have only one complaint, and that is my book seems to be falling apart at the beginning =[ ah well! pros out weigh the con.

Umm, been studying abit. Probably more than my friend below me at least! I haven't (proudly) touched a game in like...holidays I guess. I've practically used my daily forum board, Yoda's Yarn (a Star Wars RP board), as a break from studying every now and then. Papers every day now, especially the EVIL MATHS METHODS. Which I suck at. 12 RAW ftw.

Err...that's about it I suppose. Muck up day and grad dinner around the fun fun! Can't wait...but then again, I can =[


p.s Thank you both Johnny H and K.Ruddy for dropping by to say hello! Check out their websites ;D
