Thursday, August 30, 2007

Production Night

Production. Was. Awesome.
Dinner. Was. Entertaining.
I. Love. My. Year. 11. Friends.

Sleep. Now.
Blog. Tomorrow.

Edit: 31st August, Friday, 5:15pm
Yes, production night. Great fun.

Before the production, my year 11 friends graciously invited me to dinner at Grand Tofu. We were suppose to be there at 6:30, but caca and sassy decided to gamble with the buses, and ended up stranded on high street road. I was almost to the restaurant, when they called me, so we made a big U-turn and picked them up. Before we could get there, Sassy made a mistake of waving manically to a stranger, thinking it was my car. It was clear that these two were dangerous not-completely-sane people.

When we got there, meeting up with Luke (Not Skywalker, to my disappointment, but another year 11, musical genius), sassy and ca revealed their secret masterpeice they had been working on since end of school; cake! Big, delicious, chocolate and strawberry, cream cake. Of course, without baking paper that big delicious cake had to be..encouraged to come out of the baking tin. But it tasted great anyhow, so good job to their first bake-a-cake-together XD

Little Shop of Horrors
This year's school production. For a school production, I was very impressed. The performers were great. The dentist guy especially was my personal favorite. I was going to scan the 'program' but ca still has it in her bag..forgot to ask her for it today. Ah well.
Basically, it was about a povish florist that found a strange plant, that only grew when it was fed blood. Because of its unique profile, the florist became famous and rich, but hid the fact that he was feeding it his own blood. Through the fame, he fell in love with a girl. As the plant got bigger, it demanded more and more blood, and eventually the florist had to kill someone. From there, the guy was torn between the terrible things he did, and the girl he loved.

Spoiler (Hightlight)

In the end, the girl gets killed the plant, convincing the guy to kill the plant. Bullets and poison don't work, so he tries to hack it from within, and dies trying. The end.

So the moral of the story was "not to feed the plant", in other words, don't do terrible things to get fame and fortune. The girl actually liked him before the plant came, so yeah, love comes naturally too.

The prop for the plant was awesome too. They had like..4 stages I think? One was a small potplant, where a hand controlled the movement. The next was a slightly bigger one. Then the next one was like huge! I think the person controlling it was inside it fully, cause he moved it really well with the singing. Then the last flower, took up half the stage LOL. It was great. And they stuffed people down it and yeah. It was cool. If they sell it on ebay, I'll bid for it XD

There were quite a few people I knew there seeing it. Kriselle joined us when we got there, as well as Hillary and her sister Samantha. Kelvin Liu, Dan the Nad, Ringerburger, Lillian and her friends, and Warren the black man were all there too. Warren and his tall and boofy hair friends sat in front of us, making me and ca going back and forth, trying to find a gap to watch >.< But it was okay in the end. (It was all sassy's fault for wanting to be on ground level! Haha j/k)

Anyway, yeah it was definitely a highlight of my year. I love my year 11 friends, they're so cool. I'll dedicate a post to them one day.

p.s gotta change my crappy banner changed to teohsulfate banner.
