Saturday, August 16, 2008

please check ratings

Okay, so I just got back from Star Wars, Clone Wars. In one word: (as) expected.

Although I knew that this movie was geared towards kids, I had hoped they would try to incorporate some classic Star Wars elements in...but nope. It was Kids Show all the way. I saw the movie by myself, as Racheal pulled out, and had a bad feeling when everyone around was little kids. Surprisingly, they weren't causing the usual disturbance. Here's my review of the movie:

Star Wars - Clone Wars

The movie starts off with a nice variance to the classic star wars intro, and the usual big yellow letters scrolled up the screen, making me feel a thrill down my back. Then it faded, as no further words followed after the main screen. And then some annoying voice started to commentate on what was happening.

That pretty much sums up my feelings for the whole movie. It almost felt like Star Wars, but it was obviously not. It was so geared towards 12, no wait, 4 year olds, cause I'm pretty sure 12 year olds can read, so where's the classic word intro!? But it was expected I suppose.

The animation of the movie was nice though. The movements of troopers/commandos in particular I was watching, and they were very smooth. The actions of Jedi seemed to be very choppy and meant to look really fast, but it just hurt my eyes trying to follow them. This caused lightsaber scenes to look pretty mediocre.

The storyline was indeed 'meh'. As I predicted, the plot had to be something that just wouldn't change the movie trilogy. There were some nice Star Wars like scenes (cliff climbing was pretty good), but otherwise nothing really memorable.

Again, as predicted, there was no new weapons or vehicles that could've made it exciting. What I am confused about is the lady who turned out to be Ventress..who is from the Clone Wars Cartoon series. AND she didn't die, just seemingly disappeared. I have no doubt she'll appear in the TV series in the future. But I thought she was already dead...Asho ka, or however you spell it, did not die either. In fact, NO ONE died, except poor nameless troopers. This was done so the little kids wouldn't get upset I guess. Again, disappointing.

The music, which I said was okay previously, did not stand out much at all during the movie. It was overridden by the sound effects imo.

All in all, only recommended to children. No true Star Wars fan will appreciate this movie. I was actually bored half way through, cause I already knew how it was going to end, that typical children's movie ending.

1/5. Shame. I was hoping for a little bit of real Star Wars in it...wasn't worth making a movie imo, should've just made it a online video or something..

