Sunday, August 17, 2008

Starcraft II among other things

Has anybody ever realised that the three races in starcraft embody general stereotypings of ethnic groups in the world?

Terran - western civilization: europe, america

Protoss - eastern/oriental civilization: china, india, japan

Zerg - "barbaric"/"primal"/"uncivilized" dudes left over: african tribal dudes, south american jungle dudes, any dude with a spear and little more than a loincloth.

What? I can't just type that out and expect you to understand?

Alright, well, correct me if I'm wrong, but there aren't any asian or primal looking terrans, they're all white guys/girls: jim raynor is american, so is kerrigan, and there are those eastern european dudes, and sci vessel operators have a british accent. Just off the top of my head.

And a few black dudes: SCV operators and Duran.

Then we have Protoss, it's clear that they're meant to seem like some kind of ancient powerhouse (think China anyone?) with a distinct sense of religion (the tier 1 unit is a zealot?? and templars later on??) and of course you got all these runes and stuff all over their buildings and units and technology.
This one is a tiny bit of a long shot, but zealots/templars look kind of asian with their squinty eyes and distinctly slim and agile kind of build as opposed to being buff and just punching things with your hairy fists (like the stereotype of a caucasian brute), plus: zealots run like ninjas. Combine that with a martial arts kinda thing they got going on induced by 'psi blades' + melee combat and you have a stereotype of an asian fighter. And just take a look at the costume. I don't see any suit of armour, guys. Just give him a rice farmer's hat, Blizzard. Finish off the costume.

So then we got the zerg left. They're just freaks fueled with a killer instinct. Soulless creatures intent on just killing things with their biologically imbued weapons such as claws, poison, tusks, weird glaive things they shoot out of their mouths(? go mutalisks) and randomly coloured goo. (Y)

This has been a very nerdy post accredited to Jason Ling. Thanks for reading.


EDIT -> "among other things": the tablet was surprisingly capable for crappy doodles.
