Friday, August 15, 2008

future always in motion...

A little interlude to the lectures, which are going oh so well. Good work Ling...or is it Doctor Ling (pHD in Puaeconomics?)

I am seeing Star Wars, Clone Wars tomorrow. Yes, that crappy animation looking thing. No, it's not a remake of the second. Yes, the newspaper gave it 1.5/5. No, I don't think it'll be good either. Yes, I'm seeing it anyway cause I'm a Star Wars freak.

Enough of the FAQ section and onto the blog.

Though not confirmed yet, I will be seeing it with Racheal, though she is yet to get back to me. Either way, I'm seeing it tomorrow night and nothing's stopping me this time. It's in Vmax, which will help boost entertainment factor, as it's only 1 and a half hours long =[

I know the general response to this movie is negative. I mean, animation? In my opinion, it's just a lead on to whatever TV crap they're making, games based 'off the movie', toy figurines etc. etc. The music album is a bit disappointing too, not live orchestra performed, and not John Williams. The new guy did a nice attempt, and has some nice bits, but nothing special in my own opinion (he worked on Star Trek for god's sake, WHO LET HIM NEAR THIS FRANCHISE??)

But I am looking forward to the adventure/plot/story line. For the first time, I really have no idea what's going to happen. Everyone knew in Episode III that Anakin was going to turn into Darth Vader, the Emperor would rise etc. etc. So hopefully they don't screw up the story line, else it's going to get a 0 from me. I'll be paying close attention to make sure it all fits together with the rest of the Star Wars Universe. What really gets me is that they can't show anything fantastic...cause it wouldn't make sense for it not to show in episode III. So nothing should be new. Just the story.

Anyway, the real reason of this post was for me to make a few predictions, and seeing how it goes. So let's go!

1. First off, no idea who the girl with horns is. So she must die. I've heard a few dramatic bits in the music where it would perfect, and it would contribute to Anakin's darker emotions (she's his padawan I believe). SO yes, she will die.
2. Bad dark scary lady. No idea who she is. She must also die. Else she would've fought in Episode III as well.
3. They're going to be focusing a lot on the Clone Troopers, and their individuality. Which could be good or bad. I've read a book portraying this, so it wouldn't seem that out of place. They will probably die too though.
4. Obi wan and Anakin will face off Count Dooku, and Dooku will do some dodgy thing again to get away (maybe kill the girl...?)

And I have a feeling I will be disappointed with the story line, cause the movie is so short. And whatever happens in the movie has to be "meh", cause it can't really have a big effect on the following movies. So, "oh my, we're doomed!" (3CPO btw)

I'll post up a following review after I see it! I'm still excited!


ps. nice work with the site maintenance ling. I'll see if I can come up with a logo.
