Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tennis Ranting

Ookok if u know me, you would know me as a tennis nut and i love tennnisss seriously the best sport ever! ahahah. And yeh this blog post is just going to be ranting about tennis =).

I just want to talk about tennis a bit.. hehe.. well a lot of people have asked me how do you actually play tennis and have fun at the same time ahahha. Well.. lets face it, it's not a sport like soccer where u can just gather a bunch of friends and kick a ball around and still have fun. Tennis is a sport that.. hmm.. u actually need to know the basics and the technique to play and then yehhh over time it gets fun to develop your skills and stuff.

groundies =)
okok to have good forehands and backhands you need to beable to use everybit of your body!! i can't stress this enough, on tv or when u see people play, it looks like their just useing their arms and recklessly smacking it as hard as they can. WRONG! listen to me.

footwork is essential, u need to get into position, which means taking lots and lots of adjustment steps. So yeh u should always be on your toes ready and jumping around.

When hitting a goundie you want to be 90 degrees from the net soo this means facing either the left or the right of the tennis tram lines front on. This is called a close stance.... however players can play open, which means they meet the ball facing fully frontal towards the net... though u shouldn't really play like that if ur starting out.

Use your legs, seriously generates a lot of power from the lower body and you want to make sure you have the correct tennis grip too. I personally use the semi western grip, this allows me to hit powerful flat drive and also heavy topspin pretty easily. However there are other grips too like the eastern grip (hard to hit with topspin but easy to hit flat) or the western grip (hard to hit flat but easy to hit topspin). Anywayss too complicated to go into grips hehehe.

Sweet contact! seriously look at the ball, watch it meet. u need to meet the ball early infront of you and have a steady low to high swing.

torso rotation is critical! along with shoulder rotation!!! this will give you soo much more added power!! let the racquet swing finish across your chest and over your other shoulder, don't stop swinging until half way!!

Finally move into the court, put all your weight leaning into the court and when u stike the ball, strike it like you mean it! make a choice where u want to hit it and if u decide to hit a winner, 100% believe in yourself that your going to hit a winner!

hehe thanks is all =)
Ohh here i a vid of one of my favs, hantuchova. She went on to win the title =)

Hantuchova stikes the ball soo cleanly! she has flawless technique!!

