Saturday, August 11, 2007

Eminence: Destiny Reunion

Oh it was awesome.

Eminence Orchestra is a group of people who play orchestral music to more modern themes, such as Anime and Video Games. It's really my type of music =] Anyway, Destiny Reunion was a quintet performance, meaning a group of five instruments. In this case, it was composed of 2 violins, 1 viola, 1 cello and a grand piano. Sometimes, some of them would go off stage for trios and duos, but most of the time it was the five of them playing together.

It was a great performance. They performed many of my favorites including Joe Hiashi's Princess Mononoke, Laputa and Totoro, Chrono Cross was especially fantastic with the cello and main violin. The great thing about music is that everytime you hear it played by different groups or people, they're always arranged slightly differently. They also played a Mario arrangement, which had Yoshi Island (couldn't really recognize any others). The great thing was that the piano player improv'd some sound effects like gold collecting and powering up. I've seen it done often now, but it's a nice touch.

I fell in love with the cello player, Minah Choe ♥. Haha, okay not really, but she was really uber cute and I liked her dress x] Marco will tell you how I wouldn't shut up for awhile about her LOL. I wish I had brought a camera to take a picture of her (and the rest). I wanted to tell her she was pretty when I went up for autographs at the end, but I chickened out in the end. Cello is actually a really nice instrument, I wouldn't mind learning it.

Anyhow, along with the concert, I picked up a DVD of their 'Night In Fantasia 2005', which was only 25 bucks; It included an audio CD too. I also picked up a poster and got it signed, as mentioned before; this is becoming a tradition in my going to these concerts haha. Oh yeah, we met Jasmine there too, with her church friends. She's so hyper, as Marco puts it, it's funny. "Danny, Daniel, David!" I'm trying to use names so I can fight back. "Jenny, Jess, Jasmine!"

Oh yeah, just before I go to bed cause I got work tomorrow, Marco nearly got killed on this trip =[ We accidentally took the wrong exit from Flinder's Station, so we had to walk up to Fed Square. Marco accidentally bumped into a man while trying to read a sign, and the man FULLY pushed Marco back. I was surprised Marco didn't fall, it looked HARSH. The city is such a dangerous place >.> I hate going to the city. We just walked away quickly, cause I'm pretty sure we would've been smashed to pulp. Sorry Marco, I couldn't protect you =[

Anyway, I might write more later. I haven't watched the DVD yet, so that'll be exciting. Good night all,

teOh, (sassy, tell me what to change my name to =p)

P.S We've all updated our profiles a little bit, so check them out.
