Saturday, August 18, 2007


It's a standoff. Seems like we're all waiting for one another to post. I'll move it along with a small post.

I just got back from work (Baker's Delight, if you wanted to know). My feet hurt. But anyway. The baker there, Juls (Julian) was talking rubbish as usual. I think the bakers are all a species of their own, but they're usually pretty fun to work with. Anyway, Juls was talking about opposites.

"So what's the opposite of life?" he goes.
"Um, death?" I answer.
"No stupid, that's the opposite of birth!"
"There is no opposite of life!"
"Sure there is. The opposite to no life?"

Yeah, there's your genius answer right there. Anyone got a better one?

My good friend sassy went to forest hill formal, the forries as she calls 'em. She's look really beautiful, so I thought I'd put up a picture here.

(The one on the right)

She was the talk of the school apparently haha, so popular. Her partner was envied the whole night I would imagine (despite "OTHER girls being there with BIG JUGS" ROFL SASSY) XD Gw sassy girl.

jedi teoh,
