Thursday, August 9, 2007

pokemon random stuff

Okayy okay, so like as the looop we get up to a lot of random funny things during the day, yup. And yeh it's really stupid and really random and even trying to blog about it, won't even make any sense i don't think, but i shall try. In accounting, Jason and i was just talking and then all of a sudden the topic of pokemon came up. I mean what the?! lol ahha, and it was really random because we were thinking... hmm, u know how they have to weaken the pokemon before they can capture it. well anyways... i was just telling ling, why don't they just throw the pokeball really really hard, as if throwing a rock at the pokemon, shouldn't that be sufficent enough damage to weaken it? And i don't just mean throwing it really hard anywhere, i mean get them where it counts ;) haha if u get me? hehe. Anyways, that was just one random thought lol. HAhahah, moving on.... it then continued like this. I was then saying, or why don't u attach a knife to the pokeball and so when u throw it, u will stab the pokemon and injure it even more!! hhahahaha *insert evil laugh*.. lol. And yehh jason was saying it was cruel and stuff and rah rah rah, but then don't u think u would be doing them a favour? i mean like... in the wild u would think pokemon would have to kill each other savagely! i mean bite, slash! wing attack! fire blast for goodness sakes!! soo like... one moment of intense pain for a lifetime of protection with a trainer seems like a decent deal yeh? Also just go to the pokecentre and all if fixed lol. ... oh course unless the pokemon resents u so much, that until u train it to evolve and become stronger 10x it will then turn on u and then then u might suffer greater from such a attack such as hron drill.. =/ yikes. Anywayssss, that is all lol ahahha... pretty silly yeh? if u got all that comment me!!!!!

take care,

p.s. btw, teoh, ling i fixed the comment system as requested so it doesn't scroll forever and i'll add another bar later tonightt or whenever lol haha.
