Sunday, August 5, 2007

here we go.

ok, so i got this theory see:
or more of a principle maybe, anyway whatever it is, i came up with this idea as i was falling asleep a week ago or so and it stuck pretty well and here it is:

The Jason(?) Principle:
As the "understanding of the mechanics of your mentality and the way society and your peers think and operate" approaches infinity →∞ (increases),
the range of emotions one will experience will approach zero →0 (decrease but of course it won't reach negative, guys).

[so if you just read that (and understood it haha), you got closer to zero emotion and closer to infinite understanding. so you can keep reading if you dont mind or want to know what the hell i am on about]

so basically, the more you can understand how you/others think, and why you/others think, and why that is why you/others think and why that is why that is why you/others think, and so on... the less options you'll have concerning emotions.

eg.1: if you can understand why that guy is being a dumbass for doing something stupid, then you will not feel so much resent or loathing towards him. hence, resent/loathing has been nullified and you can forgive him for being an idiot cause he had good reason (whatever that reason you figured out to be).

eg.2: if you know why it is you are happy, and completely analyse the reasoning for being happy
(woohoo! new job -> shit i better work hard or they'll fire me -> shit im gonna have to work hard -> oh man i cant be bothered -> wish i was retired -> wish my job was just converting O2 to CO2 -> man im a lazy bugger -> everybody else has to work, so i better just put up with it) and tada, happiness is gone as well for mr.pessimist.

eg.2b:if you know why you're happy, and this time if you're not a pessimist
(woohoo! new job -> $_$ -> okay now what -> here kids, have some money -> woohoo?)
okay it doesnt work so well if you're not a pessimist, so sue me
but it works okay-ish
besides, even pythagoras' theorem only works for RIGHT-ANGLED triangles :3

okay that'll do.
dont think about this too much, or you might prove the theory.
