first off, I am typing this in bed on a brand new shiny macbook pro. And I must say it is a lovely experience. The wide bright crisp clean screen, the lit up keyboard, the weird one click touch pad and the overall apple look is making me fall in love for macs. Now if only I knew how to use it.
you might say, where did this macbook come from. Well I stole it from an apple store cause I was sick of waiting for the damn SONY PEOPLE to hurry up and confirm my overseas warranty so it can get 'fixed'.
but seriously, it's my brother's and I'm so envious T_T sony looks so uncool atm...
second off, I am in bed because I am sick. Ugh. I haven't been sick in so long. When I think of being sick, usually my mind is filled with images of not having to go to school/work/some unwanted usual occurance, getting treated nicely at home (bwhaha) and doing whatever I want and call it 'resting' (I finished guitar hero careers mode today..worst songs ever at the end).
however, I now realise that I would trade all of that for being well. For the first 4 days of being sick, I could swallow without it being followed with a scream of pain..which then I would have to swallow again anyway after that. Couldn't breathe..felt sick..headaches all the time. Terrible.
anyhow, away from all that. I am getting better, just got another day's of rest tomorrow before hopefully all will resume normally.
holidays! have been progressing okay-ish. 09 has gotten off to a very sluggish start imo. quick flash of what's happened (that i can remember):
marley and me - great movie, saw it with amanda. I don't mind admitting that it caused tears in my eyes, cause it was a very touching movie, especially if you're dog-lovers.
dinner with the guys - good to finially see them all. Most of them I hadn't seen in months. Had a good catch up with nat.
a few gathering with my group, involving guitar hero, lots of hats (BTW who has the hats videos? WO YAO), shameless karoke, OMGBBQ, movies and such.
got to see my 'yr12' friends..who I guess should be dubbed 'firstyear' friends now. congrats to them. birthday. har har! chinese new year...year of the cow! must go to the beach! must catch up with anthea who arrives back next week! must hunt down sony people and kill them! must finish code geass! must go the Ledge! must go to the park! must play more hats and make more embrassing hats videos! must have a guitar hero night! must try and convince ling to make a new layout for the blog! must do all of these things before holidays end!
must not get sick ever again!