Monday, June 9, 2008

as tagged by marco kwok.

mmm financial status ey. I've enjoyed good independence for awhile now, ever since I got my job at KFC in year 10. I consider myself a pretty (comma???) independent person, so I relished the feeling of not needing to ask my parents for money. When buying presents for someone, the request for money would always be rebuked with:

"What's it for? What are you buying? What!? So much! In my days, 5 dollars was plenty enough! So split with someone. Or take this, it's been in the cupboard, it's still nice! Fine, take 10."

Hmmm, sounds like ling back in the old stingy days.

Anyhow, here is my current situation (so it has some incomparability with marco's post):
- My money is my money
- Income purely from work (currently Baker's Delight)
- Roughly 80 dollars a week
- I have freedom in buying anything, except when things get around 150 and above, I let my parents know (cause they know best) just out of consideration.

I'm actually waiting for another job, cause 80 dollars a week is ridiculously hard to survive on. I've stocked up quite abit, so I'm good for now, but it' s slowly declining, and I find my contributions to my savings account gets less and less every month =S

As of now, I have no plans for buying anything. Mostly just trying to get by without draining my weekly earnings completely. I see this job as unable to really save up for anything i.e a car, which I wouldn't mind saving up for. But things I would like to buy are:

Car. Just an old one around 3 to 5 grand you know?
Clothes (need help with these :3) and shoes.
Definitely tickets to Eminence/concert (haven't been to one for ages)

That's pretty much it =S As you can see, I stole two from marco. I don't really have any purchase wishes. All my wishes atm at like: hope i pass my exams. WHY DID I LOSE MY PLATES. hope my teeth don't shift. Yup.

On a side note, marco proves that studying hard does pay off, literally. I mean, how can you not do ANYTHING but study, and get paid. Man....ho....


p.s good luck with exams guys.
