I'm working four days a week now, and it's really getting to me. There's only so many customers you can serve, before you the little voice in your head starts whispering: "Pane di casa? You want one? I'll THROW IT AT YOU! (and kill you cause it's really dense.)". I'm kinda getting tired of serving, especially serving annoying customers, and lately I've been volunteering to do all the cleaning work, just to get away from it. I know most jobs out there consist of people interaction, but I think I just need a environment change. I'll cross my fingers for a job at my brother's technical call center in a couple of weeks.
I've been reading lately, since I'm off the computer, and I've had a sudden interest in history. A lot of authors like to base their stories of real history, and then add a little bit of fantasy kinda stuff. I've read a different version of Troy, and started one about Genghis Khan, the Mongolian who united all the tribes. Today after work, I went to library to borrow a historical fact book about Troy, to learn about it from a factual point of view. I'm anticipating it highly.
Now, onto movies. I've seen I Am Legend and Golden Compass recently. I am Legend was pretty good, the thrills were pretty good for me anyway. Some of the scenes were made quite well and developed quite abit of tension and suspense. The cinema crowd we (David Ng, Janice, Dave's Sis and Cousin) watched it with were really into it as well. Everyone started whispering fearfully as Wil Smith struggled away from a trap, with demons coming after him...it was good. But overall, I thought the storyline was pretty basic and the ending was pretty..meh.
Golden Compass was just a flop. With creation from a book in mind, it seemed like the movie was just pulling scenes from the story, just to see if it looked pretty on the big screen. The acting, in my opinion, was bad. The way the story developed, was bad. And WTF AT THE POLAR BEAR'S JAW. A little kid left the cinemas before me, saying "So much for PG13" LOL.
Oh yeah, Happy New Year everyone. I can hardly believe that we're in the new year now. 2008 looks to be an interesting year. My only resolve for this year, is to keep friendships strong with my old friends, even as we all make new ones at university. It'll be hard, but I aim to keep some of my closest ones in good contact.
Speaking of which, my birthday is coming up. Horrah. I'm not that excited, and I'm not expecting much. The main thought about my birthday is that I can use it as an excuse to have friends together. I don't want any presents this year again, but I'm not sure where to have my 'party'. I was thinking a restaurant at Knox, and then maybe walk back to my house with those who want to stay over.
Anyhow, that's it from me. Hope everyone's holidays are going well. Year 12 begins soon for some of my friends =] fun fun.